Great Stone Viaduct Plaza & Trail Dedication – YouTube
The Society President, Doug Miller spoke at this dedication i Bellaire, Ohio on October 23, 2022. The link is about 35 minutes long
“Introductory Guide to Covered Bridges“ prepared by the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc., click on the link.
Salt Creek Covered Bridge Roof Repairs
One of the first group activities of the Southern Ohio Covered Bridge Association after purchasing the Salt Creek Covered Bridge in 1960 was to install a new corrugated steel roof. That roof is now more than 80 years old, and James Crouse pointed out that vandals had recently been shooting holes in it. With the help of member Leroy Gifford, bids were received from six different roofing contractors who proposed to either repair and recoat the roof or replace it altogether with bids that ranged from $2700 to $20,000. OHBA officers decided to hire JW Roofing Systems from Logan, Ohio, to repair and recoat the existing roof. It was felt that the old roof has served us well and still has life left in it, given the proper repair approach. JW agreed to replace loose nails with screws and properly fill holes. They used a three-step process to clean, chemically prepare, and recoat the roof metal with a green acrylic latex roof coating that has a 15-year warranty. The work was completed in September 2021.

With great sadness we learned that one of our valued members has passed away. She was a true testimony to all the lives she touched during a remarkable life of service to the cause of historic preservation.
Video by David Simmons on the Sherman family Ohio bridge builders
History in Your Own Backyard Videos (click on each bridge title below to view video).
Salt Creek Covered Bridge
Fox Run S Bridge
Dresden Suspension Bridge
Bickham Covered Bridge
McColly Covered Bridge
Logansville Iron Bridge
White Bridge
Bow String Arch Bridge
Chambers Road Bridge
Spring, 2017
Orient Bridge article:
More info and pictures by David Simmons on the bridge:
Orient Bridge Project
The Orient Bridge, crossing the Big Darby Creek at the junction of SR 762 and Big Darby Road near Harrisburg in Pickaway County, was bypassed in the 1980s. Because of its historical significance and impressive visual elements, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) agreed to preserve the bridge in place and retain ownership. Technically that also meant maintaining the bridge, at least minimally, but other priorities always intervened for their work crews
The bridge was part of the spring tour for OHBA in 2014. Since being closed, trees had enveloped the bridge. In fact, a cottonwood tree had germinated at the base of the western abutment, grown around the lower chord, and towered over the bridge’s western portal. Numerous trees growing against and into the bridge also swallowed up the eastern end.
In April 2017, OHBA organized and financed a project to clear the trees from both ends of the bridge. A crew from McCullough Tree Service performed the work on May 15 and 17. The project received the cooperation of ODOT’s District 6 Office, Trapper Joe’s Canoe Livery, and the Pickaway Correctional Institution. Articles highlighting the project appeared in the Columbus Dispatch and Dayton Daily News.
Seeing McCullough’s primary trimmer, Tracey Nethers, at work was like watching an acrobat high in the air. He was highly skilled in climbing and supporting himself with rope rigging while handling any number of tools, including a chain saw. His expertise and knowledge in the proper sequence for safely trimming a tree was immediately apparent. Possessed of a deep historical appreciation, he considered it a privilege to work on a historic bridge. Work began on the eastern end. Shortly after starting, a honeybee comb and nest was discovered attached to the bottom of one of the onion finials. Nethers worked carefully to preserve it.
Multiple trees had grown against the sides of the bridge. Here Nethers had to use his rigging skills to the maximum effect.
Work resumed two days later on the western end. This time, a canoe livery access allowed the crew to get their bucket truck in proper position. Still, Nethers had to crawl onto the bridge and again use his rigging knowledge to remove the grape vines that had grown into the top chord.
The crew then focused on the trunk of the cottonwood, including the portion that had grown around the lower chord.
By mid-day of the second day, the bridge had been stripped of all its foliage.
Winter, 2016
A covered bridge scenic byway is featured in the March Ohio Magazine. See attached clipping.
Here’s a link to the Covered Bridge Scenic Byway page on the USDA’s website:
Fall, 2016
Hune Covered Bridge (35-84-27), Washington County
Graffiti marred this covered bridge. The Ohio Department of Transportation is taking on a study to provide surveillance and fire protection for historic bridges supported by federal funded initiative.
Ballard Road Covered Bridge (35-29-18) Greene County
Construction is almost done with a few finishing touches to go. Should be opened soon.
Foraker Covered Bridge (35-56-14), Monroe County
After receiving more than $200,000 in rehab work the Foraker Covered Bridge was reopened in October.
Spring, 2016
McClellan Bridge, Columbia County (WG#35-15-02)
The 53 foot multiple kingpost will soon be under construction after the contract for repairs was awarded on March 2nd.
Roley Bridge, Fairfield County (WG#35-23-49)
On Saturday, April 4th high winds caused the collapse of the Roley School House Covered Bridge in Lancaster (WG#35-23-49). The original bridge was built in 1899 over the Ohio Canal in Baltimore, Ohio. The bridge was moved to Roley Road around 1914 until 1972 where it was moved to the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.
The bridge was dismantled and labeled, the plans are to rebuild the bridge over Fetter’s Run in Sensory Park where it will become part of the bike trail.
Before photo by Janis Ford
After photos Leo Thimmes
Zeller-Smith Bridge, Fairfield County (WG#35-23-19)
The bridge located in Fairfield County’s Sycamore Park is closed so repairs can be made. The City Engineer is evaluating whether temporary repairs will be made or permanent repairs will be made.
Ballard Road Bridge, Greene County (WG#35-29-18)
New roof and siding are planned for this 1883 bridge.
King’s Mill Bridge, Marion County (WG#35–51-21)
John Smolen designed this new 190 feet long bridge built on St. James Road near Waldo, Ohio. The bridge was opened at the dedication ceremony held on May 11th.
Foraker Bridge, Monroe County (WG#35-56-14)
The contract was awarded in April to repair the sag along with beams, bridge deck, chord members and paint on this 104 foot mutiple kingpost build in 1886.